So loved!

Yeah, I love comments.  You don’t know how happy it made me to read the comments.  It made me feel so loved.  I guess since I don’t get to interact very much with some people who live farther away, I enjoy their comments so much more as if I’m communicating with them. 

Yeah lately, I’ve been really missing or wishing for family the lived closer.  I guess it never really bothered me too much before, especially with my parents.  I knew they had to be away for three years in Hong Kong and I just figured I wouldn’t see them that much or talk to them as much, that it just couldn’t be the same.  That being said I’m terrible at keeping in touch with people though.  I like to talk on the phone but it can be a little time consuming and expensive if you don’t have that many minutes on your phone or a good long distance plan.  So hey even if my parents weren’t out of the country for three years, it might have been the same.  It was a little harder to just call whenever I felt like it because of the time-zone difference.  I had to think about whether or not they were awake, and typically when I wanted to talk to them they were probably asleep.  Point being, I had a forced separation from my family and I just dealt with it by ignoring them.  Basically so I wouldn’t miss them.  If I talked to them, then I normally hung up the phone and cried because I was thinking about them.  It got better towards the end, because we setup times that I would get to talk to them. 

Anyway, I guess with them coming back and trying to figure out where to live, I slightly entertained the thought, "What if they lived in Washington?  That could be fun."  But I knew it wasn’t going to happen.  They are very attached to southern California, what with my dad’s business down there and their friends.  But I guess it got me started thinking about what would it be like to have family close or at least in the same state.  In college I initiated family dinners with whatever obscure relatives happen to be going to school with us.  They turned out to be quite fun.  We always had a interesting mix of random roommates and friends.  But I loved being involved in people’s lives and getting to know their friends.  For example, Chris brought along Roy, and he became pretty much an honorary member of our family.  Roy totally rocks, he’s such a nice guy, very considerate. (Yes, I still love my husband, Matt.)  I thought it was great that after I left family dinners still kind of continued.  Josh had applied to UW and Lisa said the John might try to go there too.  So there is always the possibility of family coming, but I’m pretty sure the Josh won’t.  I guess it is sad for me because Gwynneth is missing out on spending all this time with her grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins.  There is a very tiny part of me that entertains the thought of "what if we moved to Denver?  That could be fun with a lot of Matt’s family being there."  As much as I love southern Cali’s weather, I just don’t enjoy the traffic and the crowdedness.  I don’t really desire to go back there.  The funny thing is Seattle has traffic and it’s expensive, but I love all the trees.  It helps me feel like I’m in my own world and we live where we don’t have to deal with the traffic.  So I guess that’s why I even consider Denver an option and not Cali. (I don’t want people thinking I don’t like my family. (-;)  It seems like I could like Denver.  I didn’t mind Utah too much and actually enjoyed that there was snow occasionally, and Matt tells me that Denver is like Utah but even better.  But Matt is so laid back that I could see us not leaving a place once we are settled.  Plus he seems relatively happy with his job here.  I guess the thing that really got me thinking about it was that he had told me that he happened to end up on a page that showed jobs at his level and it showed a job in Denver.  But we talked about it and he feels that staying here is better because it has more options whereas if we moved somewhere else he might get stuck in one thing.  I can’t really figure out who else we could get to move here, maybe Amy.  She seems like she has always wanted to live here.  Or at least what I wish for is family that lives close enough to reasonably drive to.  To get to Denver or southern Cali it would take at least 2 days driving to get there.  Hmm just looked it up.  Mapquest says it takes about 19 hours to get to each of those places.  That doesn’t include pit stops and stuff, and consider a young child.  Well we’re pretty much flying while she’s under 2.  Not too much longer though.

Not having lived that close to family since I was married, I don’t know what it would really be like.  Maybe I wouldn’t like it as much, because when family comes to visit it’s a big deal since you don’t see them very much.  If we lived close maybe we would hang out more but it wouldn’t really be that much.  At least that was how it was in college but we were busy students.  Or maybe I would just enjoy Gwynneth getting to see family and they enjoy her too.  I think I would enjoy being able to have family watch her so we can do stuff.  You know, people I know and trust and who probably actually want to spend time with her.  I have friends who help watch Gwynneth when I have appointments and stuff but I still feel like I’m using them.  Eh, who knows?  This is all hypothetical. 

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5 Responses to So loved!

  1. Lisa says:

    Don\’t tell my mom that there was a job in Denver, she\’ll start bugging ya about moving 🙂  We can ALL just move in with my parents 😉  I hope we go to UW, but I think it\’s pretty competitive.  Can you just go there and put in a good word?  Or have Gwynneth do it–she\’s so cute, nobody could say no.  For what it\’s worth, we never lived by any cousins or family in Denver (except an uncle who lived there only for a bit).  We got along fine, but it feels different now that we\’re the aunts and stuff–I want to see everyone!

  2. jared c says:

    Actually, I was thinking about that the other day.  My Chinese friends in Irvine and their extended family all live in the same city.  And a lot of Asian families I know seem to put that as a priority when going to school or finding work.  I\’ve wondered why our family has never really emphasized that, with filial piety being part of our culture and "eternal families" being an important religious point.
    I\’m partial to Southern California btw.  I like the beach and the food.  There are so many good restaurants, Asian, Mexican, Japanese, that I don\’t think I could live in another state that lacks a diverse cuisine.  I am much happier having moved from Utah to California because I can get lots of delicious Cantonese and Northern food. I also like the sun, does Washington get depressing when it rains all the time? 

  3. Sariah says:

    So I\’m guess that last post was by Jared.  Well before most of went to the same college, just at different times, so I have been around Jacob and Jared in a setting other than home.  Maybe it\’s because Southern Cali is so freaking expensive to live in that it is detracting some of us.  Plus Matt and I kind of went where the job was even though we didn\’t know anyone here.  Another reason that we might not all live in the same city is because growing up we never really had relatives near us either.  We had Uncle David\’s family for awhile but only temporary.  Mom and Dad never moved to Phoenix or San Francisco where their families kind of congregated.  So maybe we don\’t really feel the need either.  Maybe we\’re just not as close as a family as we should be.
    You like the beach?  It didn\’t seem like you got to enjoy it growing up because of health reasons.  Yeah that is one thing I miss is being to close to the beach.  It takes like 3 hours to get to Pacific Beach, and the water is so cold because we farther north.  I miss the warm weather but mostly the sun.  I am getting used to the weather here though. 
    People get the wrong impression about Washington and rain.  Yes we almost broke the record for most days of rain in a row, but it isn\’t actually raining 100% of the time.  It just counts if it rains sometime during the day or night.  A lot of times it seems like it would just rain over night and partially into the morning, but the afternoon wouldn\’t be rainy.  The rain doesn\’t bother me so much.  It is more the gloomy cloudy days where we don\’t have sun for awhile.  Lately the weather keeps faking me out.  I wake up and see that it is all sunny in the morning and then I take Matt to work.  I think oh it\’s going to be a nice day.  A couple hours later…bam…and we\’re back to gloominess.  But if the sun comes out later I get really happy.  The summer gets lots of sun.  It hardly rains then, you just have to soak up the sun then.
    About the food.  The food that is popular around here is Indian and Thai food, mostly because there are a lot of Indians around here.  I\’ve been enjoying my fair share of Thai food, so that makes me happy.  We have a Chinese restaurant that we like, but it\’s not the same as growing up.  Although the last time we went, they made the best Sweet and Sour Chicken that I\’ve ever had.  It was perfectly defried that it was crunchy but not chewy.  The meat was tender inside, and the sauce was really good.  What I have really been wanting is some good Cantonese noodles.  The problem is since I don\’t speak Chinese I can\’t really tell them what it is that I want.  But I haven\’t really seen anything that sounds like it.  I want the double pan fried noodles the way that Dad likes it.  But I also love those thick white noodles with beef and stuff even though it tends to be greasy.  We have yet to go up to Vancouver to try Chinese food there, but everyone tells me that the Hong Kong chefs are ending up in Vancouver and you can get really good food there.  Someday we\’ll have to do it.  If anyone knows where these good restaurants are let me know.

  4. Unknown says:

    OK, I didn\’t check your blog for awhile, and boy did I miss a lot!  So if Grandmas opinions count at all–I\’ll take as many pictures as I can get, and I vote for your moving to Denver!  We even have an extra house you could have.  I hope you realize how lucky you are that Gwynneth is such a happy baby.  Hope the next one is as happy, but ya never know…  My favorite pictures are the ones of her "running away" from Matthew.  I remember our kids playing games like that.  It\’s so cute when they obviously want to be caught.  Anyway, the reason I never post comments is because I\’m computer stupid & you actually made me have to figure out how to sign in.

  5. Unknown says:

    Just to prove how computer stupid I am, I can\’t even figure out how to add my name to my post!  But I\’m sure you could figure out from the content who it was from….

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