Feeding Daddy

Gwynneth was being really nice and sharing with Daddy on March 24th.  It was quite endearing.  She was sharing partially because she was done eating the muffin.  So I guess that isn’t really sharing.  It’s just getting rid of it. If you notice there is a wrapper from one muffin she already ate.   But Daddy enjoyed it anyway.


Grandma Ong came to visit in March.  Gwynneth had a good ole time with Grandma.  While my mom was here, Gwynneth peed once on the the floor.  I had just given her a bath and Matt was taking care of her.  He was trying to get her to go knock on my mom’s door, but he hadn’t put a diaper on her yet.  She ran towards the kitchen and I guess she got cold and then left a nice puddle.  Thankfully it was on the pergo so it was easy to clean.  Well the next night you would have thought we learned are lesson.  Matt still tried to get her to go visit Grandma in the guest bedroom which Gwynneth did this time, but she also peed on the carpet and the bedspread.  I was not very happy about that.  I think it’s time to invest in a carpet cleaner.  In one of the pictures Gwynneth is posing very girly with her hand.  I did not teach her that.


Well you would be proud of me.  I am now officially caught up with the last couple months of pictures.  I probably haven’t talked about stuff as much as I should.  But now you can’t complain that I haven’t posted in awhile.  I just gave you 4 different posts with lots of pictures.  Hope you’re all satisfied now.  Thanks for waiting so patiently.

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